17 February 2007

Conclusion Pacific Cup 2006

posted by ulli @ 2/17/2007 10:28:00 AM

It is almost embarassing - half a year is over, and I have not even gotten to posting the arrival photo. So, here it is now. On the picture from left to right: Donna, Greg, Marie-Pierre, Ulli, Bill, David.

Don't know why I can easily do daily reports when on the boat, but as soon as I set my foot on land things seem to take forever. Well, herewith I am claiming all applicable excuses!

It is not that bad, really, I did do some homework, and I have even added an extra treat. All pictures are now posted - enjoy our Photoalbum from the race - the celebrity pages are updated, and the special is that I have added a video page showing a sampler of life at sea in real video footage. Thanks to something similar to the technology used by YouTube, we can continue to assert our claim for the best and most advanced website of a Pacific Cup racer. By the way, this site has had well over 1000 hits per day during the race! Who on earth was that?

Germany's winter temperatures are getting closer to the Hawaiian temps; for the first time in my life there has not been any snow in wintertime in the area where I live. Maybe, in the not too distant future, we'll have a similar race starting from Scotland (it's not colder than San Fancisco anyway) and ending with Icelandic Leis being handed over?

However, until this happens, I will happily settle for another Pacific Cup! Mahalo Cirrus and crew, Valerie, and all other supporters, posters, and anonymous fans. You all made it once again a true "Fun Race to Hawaii"!

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