15 July 2006

Cirrus on Day 12

posted by ulli @ 7/15/2006 09:30:00 PM

NOTE: this mail goes out via satellite; our radio is malfunctioning, Ulli

This morning brought a little surprise with equipment failure, where we never had a problem, the radio. I was sitting at the radio at roll call time, but couldn't here a thing. I scrambled to check the other candidate frequencies, but they weren't there. Finally, I thought to have heard an extremely faint voice reporting what seemed to be positions. I called for "all racers" asking for a relay, but did not get an answer. Finally I heard Riva giving her report, hailed them and managed to have them relay my positions. At least I avoided the 1 hour penalty for not giving a report, but not not hear any of the others, and so we don't know where we stand.

I also tried sailmail, and only with many difficulties could I transmit a tiny mail. It is quite possible that this report doesn't go through a all. I may then try the satellite phone, or postpone till tomorrow. We had been in a very strong rain shower at this time; maybe this had an influence, but I don't know.

We were rained on at least 5 times today, from mild to "cats and dogs", and once again I had to dry my pants in the afternoon sun. Of which we had plenty.

In late afternoon we changed the white sails back to spinnaker. The new, blue-white 3/4 ounce is up after repair in the center. Old Faithful could also be revived with defillibration and sprinkling a bit of Aspirin over it. The combined efforts of our Canadjian Sewing Team and Bill were at work. But we think he is too heavy for the current light wind conditions. The sea has
calmed down also, fortunately.

Another big ship had crossed our stern, but no racer in sight.



position at 2100 h : 23N35, 153W29, COG:243M, SOG: 5.8 kn, ETA: Mon, July
17, 1340 HST

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